10 Seconds of Courage

How many times have you wanted to do something new or had an idea and then you let fear get in the way of executing it?

I have done this SO. MANY. TIMES. But the more I learn and grow, the more I choose to push through my fear.

That little voice in my head says: “What if that doesn’t work out?”, it saids. What if you fail? What if you waste time and money and energy and what if everyone hates it? What will other people think? Who am I to think I can do these things? What do I know? Why would anyone even care about this? What do I have to offer anyone? “You’re not good enough”, it whispers.

I can either choose to let them make my choices for me, or I can allow those thoughts to bounce around for a bit before I let them go on their merry way.

“Okay, okay, I hear you, little voice. I understand you are just trying to protect me and that’s your job. Thanks for the message. And thanks, for trying to protect me from all the things that could go wrong. But, I have big plans, so you will have to move aside and let me drive. I promise to use wisdom in my choices, so you can relax now.”

So this is what I do on a daily, weekly, monthly basis. I make choices about whether or not I will let fear drive my decisions. Now I ask myself, “What choice would I make if fear weren’t involved at all?” It’s a very helpful filter.

It only takes 10 seconds of courage to just start and move forward. So, I ask myself this question and I move forward. Just be brave for 10 seconds and the worst part is over. And then I get a little braver - each time a little more courageous.

Theses are the things that have helped me most on this journey:

• Journaling. I don’t mean writing about what happened in my day. I mean I get up early before my brain has had a chance to jump in and have opinions and I talk to myself on paper. How are you feeling today? What do you need today? I work through my “thing” on paper because it helps me figure things out and get out of my own head .

• Prayer. Personally, I am a Jesus-follower. I ask him for help . . . because I need it.

• Being organized. I can’t tell you how much this one helps me. I have really started implementing systems into my life. Spreadsheets, plans, calendars, and a routine. It helps me feel less chaotic. It calms and focuses me to have organized systems in place.

• Podcasts and books on mindset. This one is HUGE for me. Mindset is everything. I make sure I only consume things that will serve me. Actually if I were going to pick just one, this would be it. I guard my mind like I mean it.

What about you? I am genuinely interested to know. What helps you in this area? Just know this is something we ALL struggle with and you are not alone. :)


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